Studiopress Genesis Framework 1.7.1 + 40 Child Themes Pack
40 WP Themes | PHP | HTML | Fonts | PSD | 12.7MB
40 WP Themes | PHP | HTML | Fonts | PSD | 12.7MB
The Genesis Framework empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress.
Whether you're a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.
Genesis Framework Theme Features
As any other respectable framework Genesis framework has a lot of great futures that are developed to do things a lot easier for you. Below are Genesis Framework most interesting features:
Search Engine Optimization Ready – Genesis theme comes with a Search Engine Optimization panel that help’s you in doing a better Search Engine Optimization optimization then the most of themes. If you will have Genesis you will never need another Search Engine Optimization plugin on your site because you will have the possibility to add a title or description to any page or post, you can choose to index or not index it.
Automatic Theme Updates - the updates will be done automatically and it will not interfere with the design that you already have. A lot of time was spent to implement the automatic update and to be very easy for you. The update will not affect you child theme ( where the customizations are dona) it will only affect Genesis.
Wide Selection of Child Themes – every month new child themes are developed and the old ones upgraded. For sure Genesis comes with an impressionistic gallery that can help you in choosing the perfect theme ( every child theme needs to be payed separately)
50+ Hook Locations – if you wan’t to insert new code it will be done very easily with the help of the hooks.
Security - Genesis framework security was reviewed by Mark Jaquith an expert from WordPress in security. He used his experience to review and increase security of StudioPress Genesis theme framework. This will find very difficult to hack your blog.
Widget Ready Home Page – to better customize it, Genesis theme is using widget on home page. The positions and customization options are endless and can help you to design your theme exactly as you want.
Sidebar Customization – with the help of the “Genesis Simple Sidebars” free plugin you can add an customize the sidebars exactly as you want too. You can have different sidebar content on different post and pages.
Compatible with BuddyPress
Forum Support
Step-by-step tutorials on how to use various features