AVS Video Converter v8.0.4.495 Cracked

7b899b4232286bf3ded001d0a411169f 246x300 AVS Video Converter v8.0.4.495 Cracked

AVS Video Converter v8.0.4.495 Cracked

AVS Video Converter is an easy to use tool for conversion of AVI, MPEG2 and Windows Media Video files. Its new skinable interface allows you not only to get advantage of all the excellent features AVS Video Converteroffers, but also to customize the exterior of the program, bringing even more pleasure to your video processing work.

You can use it to change frame size, compression codec of video stream, frequency, and the number of channels of audio stream. With AVS VideoConverter you can easily retrieve video files’ information, convert them to another format and extract single frames to image files. Now you can apply a variety of effects during conversion.
